Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alicia's Nepal Training Update!!!

Well as KT and Brennan were "training" in the South Pacific, I have been working out down at the local gym known as Mac Uni Gym. Been working the Rev and Boxacise classes along with an Aqua and Circuit classes during the week, throwing in a few squash and badmington games here and there! Everything has been going on track, getting fit, staying strong and applying our new found fitness at the Mother's Day Classic!

Unfortunately on May 29, 2009 during my Boxacise class I threw a punch that was a little off and received a nasty pain down my right arm. I think I had hurt my hand before this night however to my stupidity I ignored it! Anyway tried to keep boxing through the rest of the class however the pain got too much after one of the guys threw a big power punch to my right hand. The aftermath once removing my glove was a very sore and swollen hand, applied ice, splintered it however in the morning it was a slightly bluish colour and still quite swollen. Time to visit the doctors. To my dismay the prognosis was not good and I had actually broken my hand in my fifth metacarpal in two places, one horizontal and one vertical break. So currently I am in a cast and unfortunately my hand will be out of commission for six to eight weeks. So quite annoyed at the moment with my hand however the little so and so will not hold me back! Currently trying to work out a different work out routine to still work me cardiovascularly and muscularly! Will keep you posted on my poor weak hand!

Alicia and her hand


  1. Good work Alicia! Poor darling, boxing through was pretty tough, but I can't resit saying your hand really needs to HFU! Imagine breaking! pfft!

  2. Exactly!! HFU!!! well said brennan

  3. Lol that wasn't me... it was Ellen
